Dog Training
We believe the foundation to training is built on mutual trust and respect between dog and human. We focus on building that bond using force free, science based, positive reinforcement methods. Training options include private, day and remote training.
Group Classes
We teach a 4 week Puppy Socialization Class and offer a flexible Manners and Life Skills Membership Group Class that allows students to pick which night and topic of class work best for their dog and their schedules.
Private training
Our private training is done one on one with you and your dog. Training sessions are 1-hour long and can be customized to your specific training goals.
Day training
We can come to your home while you are at work three times a week for 1-hour training sessions. Each week will end with a forth session which you can attend to see what your dog has learned and see how you can further results.

Training Specialties
Basic manners and obedience
Address the most common behavioral issues and create a solid foundation. Topic include: basic obedience (sit, down, stand, stay, settle, leave it, etc.), impulse control, house training, household manners, jumping, polite greetings, leash pulling, excessive barking, crate training and much more.
Puppy problem prevention and solutions
Address all things puppy including: biting and mouthing, house training, crate training, chewing, puppy manners, socialization and much more.
Address reactivity (fear and aggression) towards dogs, people, objects and while walking on-leash.
Resource guarding
Address the guarding of objects such as food and toys.
Tricks, games and dog sports (such as agility) which will build confidence, strengthen the dog-human relationship and provide activities that dogs love! These activities are great for bored, restless or lazy dogs and will increase your dog’s overall optimism.
Introduction to training theory
Learn the foundational practices of science-based and force free dog training.
Husbandry skills
Learn proper handling and grooming techniques. Make vet visits a breeze.
Dog and Children
Adoption Counseling
We can evaluate your home situation and make recommendations for an appropriate match for your family.
Group Class Membership
A new way of doing dog training. Our Hound Culture Membership is designed with you in mind. Classes are taught by topic and themes. Come to Monday night one week, and Thursday night next week. Have to skip a week? Go twice the following week. Because our classes are taught by topic rather than from week to week, you’re never behind even if you have to skip a class. These classes are designed to help you communicate effectively with your dog and for your dog learn manners and the life skills they need to navigate our human world.
1x a Month
Been working with us a while? Don’t feel like you need to attend a weekly class but you want to keep up with your training under the guidance of our trainers? The 1x Month Pass is perfect to keep you moving towards your goals.
5x a Month
Our recommended option- The 5x a month is perfect for replacing the once a week class option. Learn with your dog at a weekly pace to help build foundational skills and reach the goals you have for you and your dog.
10x a Month
Want to come to class multiple times a week? This option is great if you want to work with your dog multiple times a week or if you have two dogs and would like to train with them both. Have two people and bring both dogs to the same night, or if only one handler is present, take one dog to one class and the other dog on another night that week.
Private and Day Training Prices
Both Private and Day training begins with a 90-minute training session. After that, training sessions are 1-hour in length. How many training sessions needed will vary upon previous training, goals, and the consistency of independent training between sessions. We offer discounted prices when sessions are pre-paid in training packages.
90 Minute Consultation
Both Private and Day training begins with a 90 minute training session. We will go over all of your goals for your dog, discuss where they currently are at and begin the foundations for the training plan we will create for your dog during this first session.
1-Hour Session
Each single 1-hour session will be devoted to your individual training goals and follow the specialized training plan created for your dog in the Intro Session.
Package of four 1-Hour Sessions
Perfect for private training sessions. This is our most popular package.
Package of eight 1-Hour Sessions
This is the our best value package and the minimum booking required for day training.
Puppy Socialization Classes
Did you know that a puppies primary socialization period is between 6 and 12 weeks of age? Give your puppy the best start with our Puppy Socialization Classes! In our class your puppy will be able to socialize with other puppies and people as well as learn that the things they encounter in life aren’t anything to be scared about. This class is for puppies 8-12 weeks of age, first round of DHLPP or DHPP vaccine required 7 days prior to first class. Our class is 4 weeks long, on Sunday mornings – 50 minute classes. A hard copy of the book You Puppy and You – a step by step guide to raising a Freak’n Awesome dog is included with the class. $200
Meet our Trainers
Cassi Jo Perez
Cassi is a certified trainer through Karen Pryor (KPA-CTP) and the Victoria Stilwell Academy (VSA-CDT). Learn more.
Lindsay Prout
Lindsay is a graduate of the University of Washington Applied Animal Behavior certification program. Learn more.
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